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RK Newsletter – Mar 4-8, 2024


Hello everyone,

The Ready, Set, Learn registration for “Goldstream Nature House”, “Read & Ride”, and “Playtime Outdoors” is now live on the SD62 website.  Thank you to Erin and Kristen for making this possible!




RK Newsletter – Feb 26 to Mar 1, 2024


Dear Parent/Guardians,                                                                        Newsletter – February 19 to 23, 2024

Happy Family Day long weekend!  I hope you are all enjoying a relaxing weekend with your loved ones and got to spend some time with your children and family members.

Last week the grade 5 leadership students did an amazing job organizing and implementing “Kindness Week” at Ruth King!  It was so wonderful to witness their enthusiasm to spread kindness.  The Staff Café on Wednesday was a definite highlight for everyone involved.  Thank you to Ms. van der Leeden for helping them to do this important work and to the parents for providing goodies and guidance throughout the process.

There are a couple of basketball games this week.  The girls play on Tuesday, Feb. 20th after school at RK, while the boys play on Wednesday, Feb. 21st after school at Wishart Elem.  Please make sure to arrange rides prior to Wednesday.

Friday, February 23rd is another spirit day with the theme “Fancy Dress-Up Day.”  Please think about wearing something you would wear to a party or perhaps a wedding.  Friday is also a PAC sponsored Pizza day.  Please get your orders in soon.  Here is the link
PAC – you can purchase HERE: https://ruthkingpac.hotlunches.net/admin/   If you have not yet set up an account use the code: 2764

Upcoming Events:


27 Public Board Meeting – 7:00pm

28 PINK Shirt Day – anti-bullying


4 Morning Meeting 8:45am (gym)-Belmont Choir will be here

7 PAC – Spring Dance – 5:30pm

12 PAC Meeting – 6:15pm (virtual)

12 Public Board Meeting – 7:00pm

14 PAC – Paint Night Fundraiser

14 Second Term Reports will be sent out

15 Pizza Day -PAC

15 Sports Theme Day – wear a hat, jersey etc.

15   Last day before Spring Vacation

17 St. Patrick’s Day

16 –Apr 2 Spring Vacation Break


3 Schools Reopen After Spring Vac.

6 PAC fundraiser – Spring Fair on the school grounds –(Saturday)

8 Morning Meeting 8:45am (gym)

9 PAC Meeting – 6:15pm (virtual)

12 White Spot Lunch – PAC

17 Spring Cross Country

18 Early Dismissal @ 11:23

18 PAC – Board Game Night 5:00pm

18 Heritage Fair – Grade 5

19 Pro D – Non-Instructional Day

22 Morning Meeting 8:45am (gym)

22 Earth Day

26 Disney Day

26 Pizza Day -PAC

30 Public Board Meeting – 7:00pm



Ms. V. Ives




Please see attached poster regarding a multi cultural family night at Belmont Secondary School on March 14th 2024

Multi cultural night



  1. Please only park in designated parking spaces.  If you park in the staff parking spaces, it make it difficult for the staff to get to work in a reasonable time frame as they are circulating the school block looking for parking.
  2. Please do not bring your dogs on the school grounds during the hours of 7:30am to 3:00pm.
  3. If you are using the school grounds to walk your dog before or after hours, please scoop your dog’s poop.
  4. Please remind your child to leave their toys, sports equipment, game consoles, pokemon cards etc. at home.  If your child does have a phone, it must be in their backpack once on the school property.  Thank you for going over this policy with your child.
  5. Conduct at school.  Please remind your children to use appropriate language on the school grounds and to also keep their hands and feet to themselves.
  6. PAC Meeting – Tuesday, February 13th at 6:30pm in the school library. (in person meeting this month).  Please come on out and show your support to the PAC.  They have many events in the planning stages and could always use your help.


The Ministry of Education and Child Care, in partnership with adolescent Clinical Psychologist, Dr. Hayley Watson, will be hosting free virtual sessions on youth substance use for parents/guardians, caregivers and caring adults. Dr. Watson will provide valuable insights, practical tips, and resources to equip participants with the tools needed to guide their children and youth toward making positive choices when it comes to substance use.

Key Takeaways for Participants:

  • Learn why children/teenagers are drawn to substances.
  • Understand what causes and maintains substance use disorder and needs.
  • Increase your child’s ability to make positive choices about substances.
  • Acquire practical conversation tools for discussing substances in the home.

Participants must register in advance due to limited capacity. Session dates are:

Please share within your community and email the Mental Health and Substance Use Branch at educ.mentalhealth@gov.bc.ca with any questions.



Student Wellness and Safety Team

Ministry of Education and Child Care


RK Newsletter – Feb 5 – 9, 2024 (page 1)

RK News – page 2 (Feb 5 to 9)


RK Newsletter – Jan 29 to Feb 2, 2024

Family Literacy Activities

Literacy Week


RK Newsletter – Jan 22 to 26, 2024



RK Newsletter – Jan 15 to 19, 2024