Home / School News (Page 19)

Hello Parents/Guardians,

Welcome Back!  I am happy to finally be sending this email as I am sure you have all been patiently waiting to hear from me as to what is happening with the Return to School at Ruth King.

Option #1:  In-Class Students 

Thursday, September 10th will be your child’s first day of school and we are so excited to see everyone again and meet our new students.  This day will be our Health & Safety Orientation to go over all of our new procedures due to Covid-19.  All students who have opted for the in-class instruction are invited to attend for 1 hour and 15 minutes.  We are staggering the day so that we do not have everyone here at the same time for the orientation.

            Here is the schedule for Thursday, September 10th

  • Session #1  – 8:30am to 9:45am – attend if your child’s last name starts with A to K
  • Session #2  –  10:30am to 11:45am – attend if your child’s last name starts with L to Z

Tuesday, September 14th

All in-class students will attend from 8:30am to 2:23pm


NOTE:  Kindergarten Student Gradual Entry Schedule will be sent in a separate email.


Option #2: Gradual Return/ Remote Learning Students

We are working on plans for these students and anticipate that this learning will start around September 21st. Students choosing remote learning will be with a different teacher on-line and may come back to in-class instruction during the natural breaks (ie. Christmas, Spring Break) within the school year or in consultation with the Principal.

IMPORTANT:   Return to School Survey

We have not heard from 75 families on the survey as to what your plans are.  At this point, please email me with your child’s full name and choice so that we can plan accordingly.  The three choices are:

  • In-class instruction
  • Gradual return to in-class instruction/ Remote Learning
  • Homeschool (which means you will be removed from the Ruth King School registration)

Procedure for drop off and pick up of students at Ruth King:

  • All students should be dropped off on Matson Road and then walk across the field.
  • Look for the Division # which is painted on the pavement followed by a line up of painted white hearts. (Teachers will be emailing you on Tuesday, September 8thto let you know which division your child is in and who their teacher will be.)
  • Parents are asked not to enter our building at this time.You may be on the field as long as you are social distancing from other people.  We are lucky to have such a large field.
  • If you are late for school, please come to the front door.An adult will be there until 9:00am to let you in as the door will remain locked throughout the day.   If you arrive later than 9:00am, please call the school office at 250-478-8368 and we will let you in.

If you have any questions please feel free to email me.


  • Report Card Pick up for On Line Learners will take place on Wednesday, June 24th from 8:30am to 6:00pm.  We will be handing out report cards at the front of the school.   In class learners will receive their report cards on Thursday, June 25th at the end of the day.
  • Reminder: if you borrowed a Chromebook for online learning, please return it when picking up your report card on Wednesday. If this is not possible, please give the school a call to arrange a time this week. (Ruth King 250-478-8368)
  • The After School Program will only run Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday this week as Thursday will be a cleaning day and Friday there is no school.



The district calendars have been posted on the Ruth King website under the “About” top tab and then choose the “Calender” tab.



Dear Families,                                                                                                                                                       Monday, June 15, 2020

Welcome to Ruth King Elementary School. For some of you this may be the first time your child is entering the public-school system, but for others this may be your second or third time. “Welcome to Kindergarten” is always an exciting event for me and for the Kindergarten teachers. We cannot wait to meet you and your child. This coming year there are three Kindergarten teachers, Ms. J. Morris, Mrs. K. Gronow, and Mrs. S. Hjermstad.

As you are all well aware, this year has been extremely challenging with the recent COVID pandemic. Despite these challenging times, the staff at Ruth King have been working hard to figure out how to plan an event which will not only introduce you and your child to the staff, but will give you a package of resources to use over the summer. Unfortunately at this time, parents are not allowed into our buildings and therefore we have planned an outdoor drop in event. We have taken many safety precautions to ensure the staff’s safety as well as your family’s safety. Hopefully the weather will cooperate. Please see the attached Safety Protocol for Parents.

The Outdoor Event will take place on Monday, June 22nd . We invite you to sign up for one of the following times on our google document. Please fill in your child’s name on the document. Times available are: (9:00 – 9:45am; 10:00 – 10:45am; 11:00 – 11:45am; 1:00 – 1:45pm; 2:00 – 2:45pm)

Here is the link to the google document:


The Kindergarten teachers have also put together a presentation for you to watch with your child.

Link to slides presentation on “Welcome to Kindergarten” presentation:


We would normally have parents fill this questionnaire out at the “Welcome to Kindergarten” event, but have decided to send it out so that you can fill it out ahead of time. Here is the digital version of our Kindergarten Student Questionnaire:


In case you are wondering what it looks like inside the school. Ms. Walker (VP) and I have made a video that shows what it looks like inside the building during COVID. Please have a look if you are curious.


I am looking forward to meeting everyone. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to reach out.


Ms. V. Ives – Principal

K Welcome SWP











Dear Ruth King Families,

This letter is to share information for families who are returning to Ruth King Elementary in June. To ensure our community safety, as well as making our school welcoming, please read this carefully. Many things have changed!

The district return to school survey is now closed. We must know in advance if your child is coming to school so that we are prepared. If you have changed your mind or have not completed the survey please connect with the office using the following method of communication. (Email: ruthking@sd62.bc.ca)

School Information

  • Part time, voluntary in class instruction is on Tuesdays and Thursdays only.
  • On line learning will continue (Monday, Wednesday, Friday) for those students who are not attending in class instruction.
  • Students may not necessarily be with their classroom teacher, although we will try.
  • Families who are not attending in class instruction on Tuesdays and Thursdays, are not permitted on school grounds.
  • Due to safety concerns, parents will not be able to enter the school. Please talk to your child about this in advance.
  • Please contact the office if you need to make an appointment to talk with someone in person. Ph#250-478-8368
  • If your child is sick with cold/flu like symptoms they must stay home.
  • If your child becomes sick at school, they will be isolated and you will be contacted for immediate pick up. They cannot return until their symptoms are gone and they have a doctor’s note.
  • The playground structures and swings are closed to student use at this time.
  • Breakfast and Lunch programs will not be operating for the month of June.
  • After School Care will not be serving food, so those registered in this program, please send extra snacks.
  • If you require Before School Care on Tuesdays or Thursdays, you will now need to register as spaces are limited. Please call the school and we will send you the registration form.
  • Masks will not be provided, but students may wear them if they wish.

The Classroom

  • Classrooms will be very different as we have a maximum number of desks in each room.
  • We will no longer have shared supplies or materials. Teachers will send a list of required supplies (very limited). These supplies will be kept at school in individual bins.
  • Entry into the building: students will line up at their designated division numbers. There are painted hearts on the pavement for each student to stand on. Location of line up spots may have changed. Teachers will communicate this with you.
  • Students and staff will wash their hands every time they enter and exit the building. Hand sanitizer will also be used upon entering the building.
  • No toys or electronics can be brought to school.
  • Students will be physically distanced in class to help ensure no physical contact.
  • All food needs to be brought in and out each day including the garbage. Please make sure your child can open all containers. Food will not be shared among students or staff.
  • Please ensure your child can tie their own shoes, or provide them with Velcro shoes.
  • Water bottles only, no juice please. Water fountains are closed.
  • We will go outside for learning activities as much as possible! Please be prepared for the weather. For example, sunscreen your child at home, bring a hat, or rain coat depending on the weather.

Thank you for taking the time to read these points. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask.

Respectfully,  Ms.V. Ives



Dear Parents/Guardians,

As you have likely heard by now, all BC school districts are moving toward a return to in-class instruction. This will be different from how on-site learning was delivered prior to spring break.

The next step provides parents of Kindergarten to Grade 5 students with the option of sending their children back to classrooms on a part-time, voluntary basis.

To help us plan for what this will look like we need to have a sense of how many students might return on a voluntary, part-time basis.  Please take a couple of moments to complete this short online survey as soon as you are able: https://www.sd62.bc.ca/survey-return-in-class-instructions

 We understand it may be difficult to decide on whether or not to send your children to school. When we know how many children to expect, we can work out the details of what part-time in-class instruction will look like and will share that with you well before your children return. 

 Our school and school district continue to follow the guidance and directives from the Provincial Health Officer, public health and the Ministry of Education and your children’s health and safety is always top of our minds. 

Thank you in advance for your help and continued patience and understanding.




Hello Families;

We miss you! Here is a video made by Mr. Stephenson, with dancing and messages from the Ruth King staff, that goes out to all of our students and their families. Thanks to all who participated.

We are thinking about you! Click here to get dancing!


Hello Families,

Once again I hope you are all doing well.  I have had a chance to touch base with some parents/guardians over the last few weeks but wanted to let you know that I am truly missing all of you and the children.

This is just a reminder that the Frozen Food Program is continuing as usual and will be handed out on Mondays from 12:00pm to 12:45pm for Ruth King families and 12:45pm to 1:30pm for Spencer families.  If you have children in both schools, you can come in any time between 12:00pm and 1:30pm.

The meals will be handed out in the caged area by the intermediate playground.  Please remember to follow the physical distancing rules stated,  wear gloves when picking up the food, and bring a bag to put your food in.  If you have not signed up and would like to join the program, please email me back and I will add you to the list.  Please remember to pick up your food, as our freezers will only hold so much food and I will have to give your food away if you do not pick up during these times.  If these times do not work for your schedule, please let me know and I can make arrangements with you individually.  Take care and be safe!

Here is a message from the District:

Please remind your families that our school play grounds are off limits. Our fields are open for individual play (not for groups or organized sports) and that though we love pets, dogs are not allowed on school grounds and we appreciate families’ continued attention to that.

While schools are closed to in class instruction, most school zone speed limits don’t apply. However, the 30 km/hr speed zones around schools where we are providing care for the children of essential service workers (Saseenos, Colwood and Lakewood) DO still apply. It is important that we are mindful of this for the safety of the students and staff at those sites.

Respectfully,   Ms.V. Ives



Welcome back from Spring Break!  I know that this break was not exactly how everyone envisioned it to be but I hope you are all staying safe and home as much as possible.

At this point, your child’s teacher will have reached out to you in the form of an email or a phone call.  The purpose of this is to connect with families and to find out how the school can support you and your children in this very unique learning situation.  This week is a planning week, where we are gathering information from families, and planning our lessons accordingly.  We will be starting at some point next week.  Every teacher is doing their own planning, sometimes in grade groups, and sometimes not.  We are trying to be as consistent as possible across the district.  Please respond to your child’s teacher as soon as possible so that the lessons can move forward.

Ruth King Elementary School has a lunch program that we would like to continue in a modified fashion.  The delivery of food will take place on Monday’s at Ruth King in the covered caged area from 12:00pm to 12:45pm. The meals will be frozen and will be for the entire school week. (5 days)  Please fill out this form attached if you will take advantage of this service so that we know how many meals to prepare.  See you on Monday for pick up.

Here is the link to the survey:


Respectfully – Ms. V. Ives


March 27, 2020

Message to SD62 Families,

Dear Students and Families,

I hope this letter finds you all healthy and in relatively good spirits in this unprecedented time. I want to thank you for your patience as we draw to the end of our spring break and prepare for a very different conclusion to the school year.  I know that many of you are concerned about your health and well-being as well as the continuation of educational programs.

By now, you will be aware that the Ministry of Education, under the advice of Dr. Bonnie Henry, the Provincial Health Officer, has closed schools to in-class instruction. Schools will continue to provide learning opportunities for students in a different and reduced manner.

Parents should not plan on dropping their children off at schools next week as per normal practice.  If there is an urgent need for childcare please email the District at info@sd62.bc.ca.

The Ministry of Education has set the following four priorities for school districts at this time:

  1. Maintain a healthy and safe environment for all students and families and all employees.
  2. Provide services to support children of essential workers.
  3. Support vulnerable students who may need special assistance.
  4. Provide continuity of educational opportunities for all students.

Most of our staff will be working remotely from home for the next while as we await further direction from health officials.  This will mean that schools will only be available to the public through pre-arranged appointments with the school principal or vice-principal.  Signs will be located on all school main entrances indicating the best phone number or email address to contact school officials.  This will allow us to ensure that our schools remain clean and disinfected for the safety of those staff that will be required to work on site.

Because this is all new to us, we will be asking teachers and other staff to use the week of March 30 to April 3 as a planning week.  Teachers will begin to provide learning opportunities as soon as practical and no later than mid-April in keeping with the Minister of Education’s directions.  During this time, you can expect your classroom teachers to reach out to you to check in and assess the ability of families to connect online for learning.  This will take us some time to organize and fine tune, so we ask for your continued patience with us as we slowly get this up and running.

In these times of uncertainty and angst, families have many things to think about. While we want to ensure continuity of learning, we are also cognizant of overwhelming families with educational demands.  Please keep in mind that there is no intent to replicate a regular school day virtually for all students.  Teachers will be providing essential learning as well as opportunities for teachers to connect directly with students.  We will also provide links to resources on our website for families looking to supplement their children’s learning.

The school district is also committed to supporting families of essential service providers.  The Government of BC has developed a list of essential services to assist in this determination.  When teachers reach out to families, they will be asking about this and directing families to an online portal to register for services.

To our grade 12 students, wondering about scholarships, graduation and post-secondary transition, we will be sending information out to you specifically in the coming days.

I would encourage parents to check our district website at www.sd62.bc.ca for the latest updates related to COVID-19 and the District’s response.

Please take this time to follow the advice of health professionals, particularly Dr. Bonnie Henry, by maintaining physical distancing, observing proper health etiquette and staying home as much as possible. It is important that while we distance ourselves physically we still maintain social contact.  I encourage you to connect with your friends and family whether it be through text, email or phone calls. Let’s all look out for one another.

Take care,

Scott Stinson,

Superintendent of Schools, School District #62 (Sooke)