Reminders – October 4th
Reminders: School Photo Day is MONDAY, October 5th. Do forget to wear something nice for the photos. If your child is sick or going to...
Reminders: School Photo Day is MONDAY, October 5th. Do forget to wear something nice for the photos. If your child is sick or going to...
Mark your calendars picture day is Monday, October 5th and will be taking place in the school gymnasium.
Reminders: **Please fill out the online consents as soon as possible. There are still 65 families who have not filled these out. It is important as we...
Just a reminder to all families that Monday is a Non- Instructional Day, kids have no school.
To report a student absence please email or email your child’s teacher directly. The safe arrival phone line is now disconnected. Please do not...
Brown Bag Lunch Program “We believe a good lunch provides students with the nutritional energy to excel at learning”. If you wish your child...
Just a reminder to ALL families that the consents need to be completed. Please go to the link provided and complete the online consents including...
Dear Parents/Guardians, September 13, 2020 Happy Sunday Everyone! Thank you all for an amazing first day back to school. It seems to have gone fairly well and most...
The Daily Health Student Health Assessment information has now been added to the online consent portal. All parents/guardians must carefully review this information and agree...
Before sending your child to school remember to review the Daily Health Check: Daily Health Check 1. Symptoms of Illness* Does your child have any...