Home / School News / Ruth King Elementary School April 17th – 21st, 2023


This Week:

Monday – April 17th

·       Monday Morning Meeting – 9:00am

·       Grade 5 visit to Spencer Middle School to attend the Jesse Ruben “We Can..” project presentation.

·       Hot Lunch Options – shepherd’s pie, tossed salad, banana bread OR penne bolognaise and mandarin orange.

·       Ready Set Learn Event today – 3 and 4 years old’s and their parents will be visiting the school.

Tuesday – April 18th

·       Popcorn and Smencils (smelly pencils) handed out today for those who ordered.  This is a PAC fundraiser.

·       Hot Lunch Options – chicken quesadilla, Greek salad, fruit OR egg salad bunwich and banana bread.

Wednesday – April 19th

·       Grade 4 Young  Entrepreneurship Fair – open for students to purchase during their class visits.

·       Hot Lunch Options – salmon cakes, wild rice pilaf, Caesar salad, granola bar OR butter chicken and rice and banana.

Thursday – April 20th

·       Early Dismissal @ 11:23am – please decide to pick up your child early.

·       OPEN HOUSE 12:45pm to 4:00pm; 5:00pm to 6:30pm – please come by the school and check out what your child has been doing in the last few months.

·       Also check out the Grade 4 Young  Entrepreneurship Fair in the gym.

·        gym.  Bring some cash in case you see something you would like to buy.

Friday – April 21st               ·       Pro D – Non-Instructional Day – no school today; enjoy the long weekend!

Regular Reminders:

  • Please remind your child not to bring toys (including Pokemon cards) or other sports equipment from home to school unless it is requested by the classroom teacher.  Electronics should also stay at home as well.  Thank you for your continued help with this policy.
  • If you are running late, please drop off your child at the front door and let the staff take them to class.  It really disturbs the teachers lessons if you are coming into the school to drop off your child late.  Thank you for your understanding.
  • If your child is going to be away from school, picking up early for appointments, or late picking up, it is important to email your child’s teacher and Ms. Jodi our secretary (jward@sd62.bc.ca) to let them know directly. Also, if you plan to pick up your child early, please email the same people to let them know.
  • Please send spare clothes for your child in case of an accident or other situation where they need to change their clothes.
  • Please send inside shoes with your child if you have not done so already.  This reduces the amount of cleaning our custodians have to do, therefore keeping our school cleaner.
  • Please do not park in the staff parking lot or spaces on Matson Road when dropping off your children.  There are very limited spaces and if you are parked in the spaces, the Ruth King staff will have no spaces to park.
  • Please remember to keep your children home if they are not feeling well.  We have had to send several students home who have come to school sick.  We are trying to keep everyone safe.  Please follow these guidelines as COVID is still happening.

Coming Up:


Popcorn & Smencils (11,18,25)

19 Boys Soccer game @ Ruth King – game starts at 3pm

22 Earth Day

25 Public Board Meeting – 7:00pm

26 Spirit Day – dress up as a cowboy/girl or farm animal

27 Boys Soccer game @ Ruth King – game starts at 3pm

28 Pizza Day – PAC sponsored


Popcorn & Smencils (2,9,16,23,30)

1 Morning Meeting 9:00am (gym)

2 Girls Soccer game @ Ruth King – game starts at 3pm

3 Cross Country Run – Juan de Fuca

9 Girls Soccer game @ Lakewood – game starts at 3pm

9 PAC Meeting – 6:15pm (virtual)

10 Boys Soccer game @ Sangster – game starts at 3pm

12 Whitespot Lunch – PAC sponsored

15 Morning Meeting 9:00am (gym)

16/17 Soccer Jamboree

16 Girls Soccer Jamboree @ John Stubbs – game starts at 3pm – 5:30pm

17 Boys Soccer Jamboree @ John Stubbs – game starts at 3pm – 5:30pm

18 Earthquake Drill (Thurs – 11:00am)

22   Victoria Day – No School

24-27 Aboriginal Awareness Week

26 Pizza Day – PAC sponsored

27 Bottle Drive – RK staff parking lot

26 Family Fun Night – moved to June 16th

29 Pro D – Non-Instructional Day

30 Public Board Meeting – 7:00pm

31 NED Show – “Mindset Mission”


Popcorn & Smencils (6,13)

1 Spring Concert – “Songs of the Season” – two shows 1:00pm and 6:15pm

2 Fire Drill (Fri 1:30pm)

2 District Elementary Track & Field Day

5 Morning Meeting 9:00am (gym)

9 Whitespot Lunch – PAC sponsored

9 Kindergarten Orientation – AM

13 PAC Meeting – 6:15pm (virtual)

16 Family Fun Night – PAC sponsored

21   National Indigenous Day

19 Morning Meeting 9:00am (gym)

23 FUN Day – ice cream truck/sprinklers

27 Public Board Meeting – 7:00pm

28 Beach Day

29   Final Summary Reports go home

29 Last Day of school for students!