Home / School News / Ruth King Elementary School February 20-24th, 2023


Dear Parents/Guardians,

This Week: 

Monday – Feb. 20th ·       No School – Family Day
Tuesday – Feb. 21st


·        Division 14 – Ms. O’Neal – Setting the Table Pilot Lunch – macaroni/cauli/ brocc cheese bake + raw veg & dip + power balls

·        Lunch Program – egg salad bunwich, banana bread

·        Popcorn and Smencils (smelly pencils) handed out today for those who ordered.  This is a PAC fundraiser.

Wednesday – Feb. 22nd

·        PINK SHIRT DAY – wear a pink shirt to support anti-bullying

·        Division 15 – Ms. Hjermstad – Setting the Table Pilot Lunch – beef chili + scones + coleslaw + fruit

·        Lunch Program – butter chicken and rice, banana

Thursday – Feb. 23rd

·        Division 16 – Mrs.Gronow -Setting the Table Pilot Lunch – chicken stirfry (onions, peppers etc), rice + oatmeal cookies

·        Lunch Program  – blueberry muffin, yogurt, red apple

Friday – Feb.24th

·       Division 17 – Ms. Morris – Setting the Table Pilot Lunch – chicken quesadillas + caesar salad +fruit

·       Lunch Program – smoked meat & cheese sandwich, nutrigrain bar

Regular Reminders:

  • If you are running late, please drop off your child at the front door and let the staff take them to class.
  • Please send spare clothes for your child in case of an accident or other situation where they need to change their clothes.
  • Please send inside shoes with your child if you have not done so already.  This reduces the amount of cleaning our custodians have to do, therefore keeping our school cleaner.
  • Please do not park in the staff parking lot or spaces on Matson Road when dropping off your children.  There are very limited spaces and if you are parked in the spaces, the Ruth King staff will have no spaces to park.
  • Please remember to keep your children home if they are not feeling well.  We have had to send several students home who have come to school sick.  We are trying to keep everyone safe.  Please follow these guidelines as COVID is still happening.
  • Please remind your child not to bring toys (including Pokemon cards) or other sports equipment from home to school unless it is requested by the classroom teacher.  Electronics should also stay at home as well.  Thank you for your continued help with this policy.

Coming Up:


 Popcorn & Smencils (28) – PAC fundraiser

22 Girls basketball game @ Ruth King – game starts at 3pm

23 Boys basketball game @Happy Valley – game starts at 3pm

27 Morning Meeting 9:00am (gym) – whole school assembly

28 Girls basketball game @ Ruth King – game starts at 3pm

28 Public Board Meeting – 7:00pm


Popcorn & Smencils (7,14)

7 Boys basketball game @ Happy Valley – game starts at 3pm

8 Girls basketball game @ David Cameron – game starts at 3pm

9 Hold & Secure Drill (Thurs 2:00pm)

9 Boys basketball game @ Wishart – game starts at 3pm

10 Whitespot Lunch – PAC sponsored

10 Spring Dance in the gym – PAC sponsored

11Bottle Drive – 9:00am to 12:00pm

13 to 17 Second Term Reports will be sent out

13 Morning Meeting 9:00am (gym)

14 PAC Meeting – 6:15pm (virtual)

14 Public Board Meeting – 7:00pm

16 Fire Drill (Wed 1:30pm)

17 St. Patrick’s Day – wear green today

17  Last day before Spring Vacation

18 – April 2nd Spring Vacation Break


Mr. Dranchuk works in Ruth King Elementary school. Mr Dranchuk’s role at Ruth King Elementary School is a Teacher Librarian, and he is also our Garden Teacher. Mr Dranchuk has worked at Ruth King Elementary for 15 years but before he came to our school he worked at other schools in the Sooke District, such as Saseenos, where he was a Kindergarten teacher.

Mr Dranchuk’s favorite part about working at Ruth King is working with students and learning interesting things with them. He loves seeing kids getting excited about learning. At home, Mr. Dranchuk likes to work in the garden, and he also likes to go fishing and traveling to Okanagan when he is not working.

Mr. Dranchuk loves to read all kinds of books. Mr. Dranchuk’s favorite color is blue. Mr. Dranchuk would love to teach grade 3 if he could, because it is a fun age and he enjoys the curriculum. Mr. Dranchuk would like to have a pet bird if he could have one and his favorite tree is a peach tree.

Written by Jiana (Grade 5)