Home / School News / Ruth King Lunch Program


Welcome back from Spring Break!  I know that this break was not exactly how everyone envisioned it to be but I hope you are all staying safe and home as much as possible.

At this point, your child’s teacher will have reached out to you in the form of an email or a phone call.  The purpose of this is to connect with families and to find out how the school can support you and your children in this very unique learning situation.  This week is a planning week, where we are gathering information from families, and planning our lessons accordingly.  We will be starting at some point next week.  Every teacher is doing their own planning, sometimes in grade groups, and sometimes not.  We are trying to be as consistent as possible across the district.  Please respond to your child’s teacher as soon as possible so that the lessons can move forward.

Ruth King Elementary School has a lunch program that we would like to continue in a modified fashion.  The delivery of food will take place on Monday’s at Ruth King in the covered caged area from 12:00pm to 12:45pm. The meals will be frozen and will be for the entire school week. (5 days)  Please fill out this form attached if you will take advantage of this service so that we know how many meals to prepare.  See you on Monday for pick up.

Here is the link to the survey:


Respectfully – Ms. V. Ives